March 7, 2022

Leah Owen – International Women’s Day 2022

Imagine a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all. #BreakTheBias

Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality.

Today we would like to celebrate some of the amazing women we have that are part of our Youth Fed team.

Hear from Leah Owen, our Recruitment and Engagement Officer on her thoughts this International Women’s Day:

What have you/Youth fed done to be more inclusive and drive change? 

I am so incredibly proud to be part of the NCS team & Youth fed who work tirelessly to create an inclusive and diverse experience, designed to boost confidence, resilience and to push each and every young person to challenge themselves!

We are absolutely the loudest team in the office, but that only reflects our passion for supporting young people, giving them the confidence and tools to use their voice and make a change in the world!

The young people I’m lucky enough to work with have taken part in numerous social action projects. Seeing the fire that they have for making a difference makes every minute of planning worthwhile!

For me, working and interacting with young people every day and seeing them come and go through NCS is what gives me the fire and spark to create these incredible Summer and Autumn programmes.

What would an international future that is diverse, equitable and inclusive mean to you?  

We live in a world obsessed with social media, and as women, we are constantly shown images of perfect bodies and filtered faces. I worry for the future generation and the pressures of body image.

In 2021, VOGUE released its most diverse cover featuring a trans woman and an array of models all about inclusivity. But why are we reading about this like it’s something out of the ordinary or amazing?

Let’s just normalise life again, no headlines for diversity or inclusivity – because it is what it is and we are who we are, right?

Which woman do you think lives these values and inspires you?

I thought long and hard about this question, I wanted to choose someone big and famous who has impacted the world in a huge way, but the reality is, the people that inspire me the most are the people I surround myself with on a daily basis. My mum and sister – both incredibly strong independent women and mothers who have built their businesses from the ground up, all whilst running a house and raising a family. And my friends – all successful in their own way, each has come from different backgrounds and have had different starts in life. We share stories that unify us and celebrate what we have achieved together.

Oh – and of course, Beyoncé, because “who run the world? girls!” Right?