Case Studies
We measure success by the real difference it makes to you.
We measure success by the real difference it makes to you.
Amy is helping to develop sessions for other young people with Autism. They offer weekly sessions to help build friendships, confidence and self-esteem.
Nathan was at the end of college and didn’t know what to do next so signed up to NCS, where he thrived and made a number of new friends.
Ashley was introduced to Talent Match through a job centre which gave him the belief that he could achieve his goals.
Alex was introduced to Talent Match by his advisor at Career Connect which helped him to set goals and gain self-confidence.
NCS has opened up social opportunities for Jack and has given him the confidence to take up an independent living course.
Sam was referred to the programme for some support with gaining a first aid certificate and for support with job seeking.
NCS gave Lottie the confidence to return back to college and she is now training to become a motor mechanic.
As a result of Talent Match, Olivia benefited hugely from the support and mentoring she received and now feels motivated to progress with her life.
Since joining the programme, Nick has gained a First Aid certificate and is also on a Business Administration course.